There are so many different ways in which i use honey throughtout my daily life. I love putting honey in some oatmeal, or tea, and even on toast. We all know there are so many different ways we can eat honey, but what about the other uses of honey. I was looking around for a at home facial. I found one was using HONEY. I was excited to try it out, and thats just what I did today.
Honey, cinnamon, and nutmeg mask |
To make this face mask all you need is a few things, that most people usually have on hand at home. First mix together 2 tablespoons of pure honey, 1 teaspoon of fresh nutmeg, and 1 teaspoon of fresh cinnnamon. After completely combinded spread onto face evenly, and let sit for 20-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and dont forget to moisturize afterwards.
I love this mask, it is easily going to become one of my favorite at home facial masks. It softens, hydrates and exfoliates your skin all in one mask.
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